

Velt AI CoPilot

Velt (YC W22) is an SDK that enables developers to make their product collaborative within minutes. Earlier in the year, one of our early adopters requested a feature to help with copywriting. Through research & iteration, I was able to help streamline the copywriting process for agencies. This feature also lead to a 100% increase in customer sign ups after one Product Hunt Release.


Role: Product Designer

Team: Product Manager, Two Engineers

Tools: Figma, MixPanel, Highlight.io

Timeline: 2 weeks



Understanding pain points of copywriting

Secondary Research

Although OpenAI doesn't display usage patterns on commonly asked questions, I asked ChatGPT "what are the most commonly asked questions?" It's no surprise that people use ChatGPT as a language assistance tool. Users frequently ask for help with grammar, spelling, word choice, sentence structure, or even assistance in generating ideas for writing projects.

Primary Research

After confirming that people were commonly using ChatGPT as a language assistance tool, I wanted to dive deeper into some of the pain points of modern day copywriting. I interviewed 3 copywriters and 3 agency owners. Here's what I found:

Essential Insights

1. Time Consuming

  • It's a multi-step process that includes research, concept development, writing initial draft, getting feedback, and polishing final draft. 100% of the agencies & copywriters I interviewed write their drafts in Google Docs, then transfer over finalized work to Figma.

2. Costly

  • Costs vary based on level of expertise. On average, agencies charge between $1000-$1500 for landing page copy.



Agencies are facing challenges in reducing both the time and financial investment required to create high-quality written content efficiently.



Areas of opportunity

User Flow

I created a user flow so that I could visually map out the steps and interactions involved in creating a copywriting feature.






4% Feature Adoption

Feature adoption rate (users that used feature / total active users) x 100

100% Increase in Sign Ups during Product Hunt launch